

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Running after the lodestar,

I've seen the promised day in Heaven.


Refrain :

Angel, oh, Angel,

Come down with that happy day.

Angel, oh, Angel,

And don't let it go away.


I've seen the time like a mirror,

Reflections covering me

With the Light of faith.




Middle part:

I can't leave my destiny

In this lonely night.

I feel the pain like a delivery, delivery.


Refrain :...

Aud un strigat

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Peste mare, incet, s-a lasat seara,

Am ramas doar eu, langa foc, spre cer privind.

In infinit, incercand sa-mi gasesc uitarea,

Intr-o alta lume din care voi fi venind.


Refren :


Aud un strigat

Si nu stiu de unde vine.

Aud un strigat,

Parca ma cheama pe mine.


Un batran, in alb, a venit, ca o minune.

Eu, uimit, l-am intrebat:" - Cine esti ? ".

In maini avea o carte, spunindu-mi

C-" acesta-i un dar pentru tine "

Dar, indat' s-a facut nevazut...

Unde esti ?


Refren :...


Middle part :


Daca tu, acolo, existi

Intr-o lume in care eu nu pot ajunge,

Ajuta-ma si nu ma lasa,

Aici, un strain,

Aici, un muritor.

O, Doamne !




music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


La balul din poveste, demult si departe,

Veni ca prin minune,

Oh, Cenusareasa.

Acolo-avea sa-si afle destinul iubirii.

Si-obrajii se-nrosira,

Oh, cand printul o invita la dans.


Oh, fericite clipe,

Oh, o vecie de-ati sta !...


Dar miezul noptii se ivi

Si-n graba ce pleca,

In urma ei, printul gasi ceva

Si se mira.


Refren :


Cine, oho, cine a pierdut

Micul pantof de cristal ?

Cine, oho, poarta undeva

Taina ce eu n-o stiu ?

Cine, oho, cine a pierdut

Micul pantof de cristal ?

Cine, oho, e printesa din vis,

Ce m-a vrajit, oho,

Ce minune a adus-o

Si ce minune a luat-o ?



Undeva, intr-o poveste

A unei iubiri,

Plangea-n singuratate,

Oho, Cenusareasa.

Acum nu mai era

La bal sa danseze

Dar sufletu-i ramase,

Oho, dar sufletu-i ramase

Acolo, la castel.


Oh, fericite clipe,

Oh, inapoi de-ati veni !...dar,


Idata printul se porni

In lume a pleca.

La fiece casa se opri

Pentru a intreba :




Intr-o zi voi afla !

Colind pentru mai tarziu

music : Laurentiu Cazan

lyrics : Valentin Mateescu


Si cand va fi sa vina randul

Acelor 'nalte clipe sfinte,

Tu sa-mi rapesti din trup pamantul

Ca sa ma poti iubi cuminte.


Si cand va fi sa nu mai fie

Nici un colind sa se rastoarne

Ne vom muri a poezie

Sub cetina ce ne adoarme.

Refren: Poezie, mereu sa fie.


Si cand va fi vinovatie

In toate certurile firii,

Vom cobori din ierarhie

In toata arsita iubirii.


Si cand va fi o seculara

Nebuna iarna sa ne-nghete,

Vom rupe pajistea solara

De-o raz-atunci, sa ne rasfete.


Refren: Poezie, mereu sa fie

Poezie, mereu sa fie.


Si cand va fi sa vina timpul

Plecarilor spre fiecare,

Ne vom inchide-n anotimpul

Mirosului de lumanare


Si cand va fi sa planga ceara,

Cu ochii-i calzi, ca de Craciun,

Vom polei in taina seara

In care ne-am ascuns de-acum.


Refren: Poezie, mereu sa fie,

Poezie, mereu sa fie.


Si cand va fi sa nu mai fie,

Colindatori vor merge-n valuri,

Sa povesteasca la chindie

Firescul unor doua maluri.


Si chiar atunci va fi sa fie...

Si ne vom imbraca in mare,

Sa ne lovim de poezie

Cat vraja nu mai reapare.

Refren : Poezie, mereu sa fie,

Poezie, mereu sa fie .

Copil orfan

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Inger,inger,cine canta si plange, uitat,

Cine striga,in noapte,durerea :

Unde esti mama,dece nu vii ?


Inger,inger,cine umbla prin lume,strain,

Cine doarme,pe drumuri,sub stele,

Vesnic pe drum si obosit ?


Inger,inger,vino,noaptea,in visele lor,

Sa le fie somnul mai dulce,

Sa uite ca sunt ai nimanui.

Do you love me

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Who's that lady teasing me,

Is she a witch or what is she ?

I've run away from her yesterday,

But I'm in love again today .


Middle part :


'Cause I can' t sleep anymore,

My heart is like fire.

I'm dancing on the floor,

Dancing desire.


Let my spirit flying wild,

Make me feel a crazy child.

Do it good and do it now.

You know, better then anydody, how.


Middle part :...




I got to know the clue:

Do you love me ?

Baby, tell me, is it true,

Do you love me ?

'Cause all the feelings that I fight,

Every day and night,

Are feelings, I've never had before.


Every touch is killing me,

But do not stop it, let it be.

Wish you know that don' t lie,

'Cause when you kiss me, you make me fly .


Middle part :...


Refrain :...

Glorie lui Iisus

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Astazi e o zi mare, e sarbatoare,

E viata pe pamant.

Domnul din Ceruri, Cel adevarat,

Indurare ne-a aratat.


Bine-ai venit printre cei vii.

Te-am asteptat, prea sfanta zi.



Glorie, glorie, glorie lui Iisus !

Glorie, glorie, glorie lui Iisus !


Hei, ce bucurie mai mare sa fie,

De Tatal sa fii iubit.

Sa nu uitam sa ne rugam,

Slava sa-I inaltam.


Bine-ai venit printre cei vii.

Te-am asteptat, prea sfinta zi.


Refren :


Glorie, glorie, glorie lui Iisus !

Glorie, glorie, glorie lui Iisus !


Glorie Sfintei Maria,

Cea aleasa de Dumnezeu.

L-a nascut pe Mesia pentru binele meu

Si al tau.

De-aceasta zi, sa ne-amintim mereu.


Refren :

Glorie, glorie, glorie lui Iisus !

Glorie, glorie, glorie lui Iisus !

Glorie, glorie, glorie lui Iisus !

Glorie, glorie, glorie lui Iisus !


Bine-ai venit, printre cei vii.

Te-am asteptat, prea sfanta zi.

Bine-ai venit, printre cei vii.

Te-am asteptat, prea sfanta zi !

Glory to Jesus Christ

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Today is the day

When we come to pray

And sing all together for Love.

When Jesus comes down,

In the name of the Crown,

For ever, to change the world.


It's Christmas time ! It's Christmas time !

It's Christmas time ! It's Christmas time !


Refrain :

Glory, glory, glory to Jesus Christ !

Glory, glory, glory to Jesus Christ !


Hey, don't stay apart,

'Cause, I know, in your heart,

There must be a place for Love.

Come, and you'll see

What it means to be free.

He's waiting for you and me.


It's Christmas time ! It's Christmas time !

It's Christmas time ! It's Christmas time !




Middle part:

Glory to Mother Maria

Gloria, gloria, gloria !

We've been lost in the night,

But she brought us the Light

Of the Lord

Let's gather in his sight !


Refrain :...

Good morning

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


One , two , one , two , three.

Tu tu tu.....


Good morning to you !

That's all I want to say : Good morning !

Good morning !


Get up , get up, you , lazy bear !

Just a brand new day is waiting for you !

Waiting for you , yeah !

Get up, get up , get up , get up , get up ! Get up , get up !

That ' s right !

Get up , get up , get up , get up , get up !

One more time !

Get up , get up , get up , get up , get up ! Get up , get up !

Good morning , good morning !

Get up , get up , get up , get up , get up !

Good morning , good morning !

Good morning !

Hai, spune-mi

music: Laurentiu Cazan

lyrics: Eugen Dumitru


Strainul, acestei dimineti,

Rasare-n raza unei clipe,

Risipind tacerea,

Ce, ieri, ne-a despartit,

Ca un catarg, in zarea,

Unui gand uitat.


Refren :


Hai, spune-mi,

Daca lumina din noi

S-a risipit in cuvant si doare.

Hai, spune-mi,

Daca poti, cu un vis,

Din nou sa te-apropii de soare.

Strainul acestei dimineti,

La poarta vietii tale bate,

Intreband ce drumuri, oare, a gresit,

Iubit sau prieten, de ti-a fost, candva.


Refren :...

Hold me now

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Another night, another day,

Then I will be so far away.

It's like a storm on my mind,

There is no answer to find.


Say, is this love or hate,

The truth or a lie?

Or, is it much to late,

To belive in one more try?




Hold me now,

Never let me go.

Take me home,

And cure my wonds with love,

With your love.


Hold me now,

Never let me go.

Hold me tiet,

'Cause I love you so !


Middle part :


Why, for every kiss there is a tear

And for every touch, the fear ?


Will we keep on this, forever ?...

I believe in my star

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Where is the night

When the stars where hidden from me,

And I was very close about loosing my faith ?


I didn't know

That somewhere, someday,

I'll find the way to be free

And that is your Love.




Today I've seen the sunshine,

The whole world seems to be mine.

And I will always believe in,

Believe in my Star.


Were is the day

When I could not see the light,

I couldn't let the truth come in my life ?


I didn't know, yes, I didn't know

That somewhere, someday

I'll find the way to be free

And that is your Love.


Refrain :...


music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Cine-asteapta, in prag, sa vina

Fiul ratacit ?

In credinta sperand, se-nchina.

Gandu-i nerostit.


Refren :


Mama, voi mereu copilul ce-ti va canta :

Astazi e ziua ta !

Lumea voi vesti

Ca vesnic eu te voi iubi, draga mama !


Du-ma Doamne, din nou, acasa

La maicuta mea.

Si-am sa-mi pun sufletul pe masa

Si ma va ierta.


Refren :...

Mandra Mea

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Mandro, cine te-a facut

Si de unde vii ?

Ca tot satul a vazut

Cat de draga mi-i.


Refren :


Dar, eu stiu ca vremea va veni...

Pan' la tine de-oi muri

Si tot te voi gasi...


Mandro, de cand te-am vazut,

Nu mai stiu de somn.

Nu mai stiu ce-am de facut,

Parca nu mai sunt om.


Refren :...


Mandro, spune-mi ce-ai facut

Cu inima mea ?

Tare mult m-a mai durut,

Ca mi-ai ras de ea.


Refren :...


Mandro, de ce mi-ai plecat

Far-a fi vestit ?

Pe la porti m-am tot uitat,

Tu n-ai mai venit...


Refren :...

Noaptea in vis

music: Sfinx Experience & Laurentiu Cazan

lyrics: Alexandru Andries


Sapte porumbei dresati,

La caleasca inhamati,

Bat din aripi si te-aduc,

Langa patul meu de nuc.




Vino noaptea, noaptea in vis.

Du-ma noaptea in Paradis.


Cinci pitici de acadea,

Imbracati in catifea,

Te aseaza pe podea,

Langa patul meu de nea.




Middle part:


Si nu e nimeni langa mine, cand ma trezesc.

Unde esti ?

Incerc sa uit ce am visat, nu reusesc.

Unde esti ?

Si in vis, din nou, pornesc...


Refren :...


music & lyrics: Lautentiu Cazan


Hai, cu mine,

Pui de pescarus, nu-ti fie teama.

Aripa franta-ti voi ingriji.

Hai, cu mine,

Ca singur ai ramas si fara mama.

Dar, eu, prietenul tau voi fi.


Middle part :


Si va veni o zi

Cand, iarasi, vei zbura.

Si va veni o zi

Cand vei pleca...

Iti voi spune :


Refren :

Zboara, zboara,

Acum este vremea ta !

Zboara, zboara,

Cu bine si nu ma uita !


Hai, cu mine,

Pui de pescarus, tu, vei vedea,

Marea te va astepta cu dor.

Hai, cu mine

Si diminetile ei te vor chema

Din nou, la viata, invingator !


Middle part :...


Refren :...

Running and crying

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


I am blind although I see,

I am deaf although I hear,

When You came with Your Love,

Covering me all.


I think I now who You are.

Sometimes, it seems, You're so near,

Whispering :"You must find the Truth!"


But, what is truth and what is lie,

Among all this precious stones ?

People sell, people buy...

I don't understand.


"Runaway!"-I hear Your Voice,

"You must find the Real One.

It's not for sale

Such as Stone of Faith ! "



And I'm running, I'm running,

I'm running and crying...

You are there and I am here,

In two very different worlds.

There is Light and here dark.

I'm waiting for a sign...


A magic sign, You'd give to me,

To open up the secret

And magic wings, to fly away to You...


Refrain :...


Middle part :


In this world of poverty,

I will be reach, when You'll come to me.

'Cause I don' t wanna die before I now You ...!


Refrain :...

Say something

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


This morning, has found me with my thoughts,

That didn't let me sleep the whole night.

I would have to go, somewhere, on other roads,

Because this road I took, I'm not so sure it's right.


Refrain :


Say something !

I wanna know what you feel !

'Cause you are driving my heart crazy !

Say something !

Won't you know what I feel ?

How long will you keep me so faraway ?


This morning, I began to understand,

That feelings can become so true.

I wanna be for you, more than just a friend.

More than the others, you call them friends, too.


Refrain :...

Si iarasi voi zbura

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Refren :

In noapte voi plange,

In zori voi invinge

Cu iubirea mea.

In noapte voi plange,

In zori voi invinge

Si iarasi voi zbura,

Ehei, si iarasi voi zbura,

Si iarasi voi zbura.


Esti tu vocea care m-a strigat,

Ori e tacerea celor vii ?

Esti tu ploaia care m-a-ntristat,

Ori sunt numai lacrimi de copii?


Lumea-i plina de dureri, de iluzii,

Dar, inca stie-a iubi.


Refren :...


Esti tu steaua care-a rasarit,

Ori un suflet se-nalta catre cer ?

Ehei, daca timpul s-a oprit,

In eternitate vreau sa sper.


Lumea-i plina de dureri, de iluzii,

Dar inca stie-a iubi. Hei !


Refren :...


Si iarasi voi zbura,

Ehei, si iarasi voi zbura.


music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Mi-e frig ori mi-e cald,

Alerg spre tine si cad.

Ma privesti dar nu ma vezi.


Diminetile-n doi sunt reci,

Cand n-ai ce spune si pleci.

Ce sa mai simti, ce sa mai crezi...


Refren :

Intr-o lume falsa ratacim,

Mintindu-ne ca stim sa iubim.

Spune-mi, unde esti, sinceritate ?

E greu, dar, sper ca te voi regasi.

Ma-ntreb in fiecare zi :

"-Oare, unde esti, sinceritate ? "


Mi-e dor de tine,

Mult prea putin esti cu mine.

O, dulce clipa, ce repede treci.

Hei, dar nu stiu ce vraja ma face mereu si mereu,

Ca un vis trecator, sa uit ce-a fost greu.


Si nu mai inteleg,

De ce si unde-alerg,

Cand diminetile sunt reci.


Refren :...


Middle part :


Aud ca ma iubesti,

Aud ca ma urasti.

Mai bine-ajuta-ma,

Sa plec,


In lumea, in lumea-aceea care-i a mea.

Sper ca-ntr-o zi vei afla

Ca poate fi

Si a ta. Hei !


Refren :...

Sunetul ploii

music: Laurentiu Cazan

lyrics: Cristina Chis & Laurentiu Cazan


Picura ploaia incet peste noi,

Zarea se pierde in nori cenusii.

Vantul se joaca, fugind printre noi,

Frunzele au sclipiri argintii.


Refren :

E un vis, e-o minune,

Sa alerg doar cu tine,

Sa nu m-ascund de ploaie sau vant.


Doar intr-o clipa, razand, ai fugit,

Alerg spre tine si-ncerc sa te prind.

Iubirea ma cheama iar la un joc,

Jocul de-a ploaia si-al ploii sarut.


Refren :...


Picura ploaia si vreau s-o ascult,

Mirajul ei sa-l simt tot mai mult.

Tainice daruri, ce se-ascund in ea,

Vor fi cu tine si-n inima mea.


Refren :...

Te caut

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan

Zori de vara hoinaresc,

Pe un tarm de mare.

In jocul lor, de valuri, se lovesc

Si de vantul iubirii ce doare.




Vin si se duc amagirile,

Dar, mereu, te caut pe tine.

Vin si raman doar iubirile

Si eu, mereu, te caut,

Te caut mereu.


Pasi de focuri, alergand,

La un dans ma cheama.

Incet, se pierd in ape fumegand,

Spre o lume, a lor, fara teama.




Oo, aa, oo, aa,

Oo, te caut mereu.

Oo, aa, oo, aa,

Oo, te caut mereu.


Refren :...

The winner

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Father of mine,

It's me, late in the night,

Coming from where the answer isn't there.


I have searched for the worst man,

As you asked me to do,

But I haven't found him, anywhere.


Into this world of lottery...


Father of mine,

It's me, open the door,

'Cause I'm not the same man anymore.


Into this world of lottery,

I'm learning to be or not to be.


Refrain :

I wanna be the winner !

Come on, come on, teach me now !

How can I be the winner ?

Come on, show me !( now )


Father of mine,

Who's knocking in the night ?

Where is your good son, tell me where ?


This stranger is the worst man

And I know the reasons why.

Wherever you call me, I'll be there !


Refrain :...

Uita tristetea

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Astazi m-am regasit,

In ochii tai.

Si m-am lasat,

Furat de ei,

Ca altadat'.


Dar am descoperit,

O taina-a lor,

Ce ascundeau,

Inca, durerea



Refren :

Hai, uita tristetea

Si n-o mai chema din nou !

Hai, uita tristetea,

Alung-o din ochii tai !

Hai, uita tristetea

Si n-o mai chema din nou

Si n-o mai chema !

Uita tristetea,

Alung-o din ochii tai !


Vreau sa-ti marturisesc,

Chiar de nu crezi,

Cat mi-ai lipsit

Si cat de mult,

Te-am dorit.


Da-mi mana si-ai sa vezi,

Ca nu te mint.

Sufletul meu,

Nu l-am vandut altcuiva.


Refren :...

Unde e fericirea

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


Drumul, pan' la tine,

E drumul cel mai lung, din lume.

Mii de ani lumina,

Mi-ar trebui s-ajung iubirea.


Middle part :


Doar, gandul meu pribeag

Te cauta si-ar vrea sa stii :

Fara tine...

Atat de greu mi-e fara tine...

Trist si singur, fara tine...

Spune-mi daca stii,



Refren :


Unde e fericirea, unde,

Unde poate fi ?

Daca eu si iubirea, daca,

Nu ne vom gasi ?

Unde e fericirea, unde,

Unde poate fi ?

Nimeni in toata lumea, nimeni,

Nimeni nu va sti.

E-o desarta cautare.

Fericit vei fi

Doar, din clipa-aceea-n care

Vei iubi...


Deschide-mi poarta-n suflet

Si-alunga-mi peste prag durerea.

C-atat de-aproape-mi pare

Si, totusi, prea departe, iubirea.


Middle part :




Unde e...unde e ?

We can change the world

music & lyrics: Laurentiu Cazan


I've seen you in dreams of mountains,

While climbing the sky.

Heard singing the voice of freedom,

Got the wings to fly.


Refrain :


We can change the World.

Living without your Love, no more.

We can change the World.

Like it never, ever happened, before.


I've seen you in dreams of rainbow,

I wish I were a color up there.

You said :

"-I'm a light I'm a fire,

Have the faith you'll join me, someday.

I'll be around you, somewhere."


Refrain :


We can change the World.

Living without your Love, no more.

We can change the World.

Like it never, ever happened, before.


We gonna change the World,

Right now .

I'm gonna have to find my way.

Without me

music & lyrics: Gary Burr & Laurentiu Cazan


Anything you ask me,

You know that I will try.

I will read your fortune,

But I will not tell a lie.


Your soul is, oh, so restless,

You hear a voice say "go".

Before your mind is made up,

There is one thing you should know:


Stars may call you

But stars can fall.


Refrain :

You wanna go crazy,

You wanna be free.

You wanna see angels,

Well, allright.

Heaven is, never,

Where you think it might be.

You'll never see angels,

Without me.


Do everything you want to,

Follow any dream.

You'll find that some horizons

Are darker than they seem.

And when the nights are empty

And the taste is bitter sweet,

That's when you will see me

In every stranger that you'll meet.


Stars may call you

But stars can fall.




Middle part:

But if you choose to stay beside me,

You'll have my love to point the way.

Oh, the way, baby...


Stars may call you

But stars can fall.



Tu ma fascinezi

music & lyrics : Laurentiu Cazan


Dac-ar fi sa-ti spun, in fiece zi,

Cat esti de frumoasa,

N-ar fi de-ajuns.

Dar nu banuiesti, inca, altceva,

Pentru care eu si mai mult te iubesc.


Refren :


Tu ma fascinezi, atunci cand dansezi,

Fii asa, mereu, un copil !

Ce mult,

Tu ma fascinezi, atunci cand dansezi

Si-n dansul tau, eu vad, cu-adevarat, viata !


Fiindca-n jurul tau se naste o lume de vis

Si totul, dintr-odata,

E minunat.

Lume-aceasta vine, din sufletul tau

Si vreau, atat de mult, s-o pastrezi mereu.


Refren : ...